Loan Guarantees in the field of culture and creative industries

Conditions defined by the program:

Feature /product
(financial instrument)
Loan guarantee program for entrepreneurs active in the field of culture and creative industries
Target group Micro, small and medium-sized economic operators in culture and creative industries
Maximum guarantee amount EUR 800,000
Guarantee rate 100 %
Interest rate Up to 2%
Loan purpose Working capital
Minimum guarantee duration 1 year
Maximum guarantee duration Up to 5 years including the grace period
Guarantee coverage 100% of the loan amount (loan principal and regular interest)
Application processing fee 0.1% of the guarantee amount
Loan grace period Up to 12 months if the repayment period is no less than 2 years.
Collaterals Entrepreneur’s debenture
Bank collaterals Entrepreneur’s debenture
Aid Aid under the Provisional Framework on State Aid adopted by the Commission
Program implementation deadline 31.12.2021.