Terms of us

Personal and public data

Please note that sending private messages via e-mail on the Internet may be insecure and subject to unauthorized access by third parties or misdelivery.

You can visit most of the pages without giving any information about yourself. However, sometimes we need data to perform the requested services and therefore the Privacy Statement contained herein explains how to collect and use the data used in these situations. The data you provide to us will be considered confidential in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Republic of Croatia, and therefore HAMAG-BICRO and the members of our network may use them only in accordance with the legal provisions in force regarding the confidentiality of data.

Personal information

HAMAG-BICRO is obliged to protect the security of your personal data. Especially when it comes to transparency and protection of your rights, HAMAG-BICRO will not disclose information that could allow third parties to identify you, unless you transmit the information yourself by filling out forms on the website. The personal data you have given us means that you agree that this data enters the hamagbicro.hr database in order to be used in accordance with the legal regulations currently in force, in accordance with the Data Protection Statement below, which you agree to by accessing the website hamagbicro.hr.

Data protection statement

You agree and accept that your data and information provided by you are intended for the hamagbicro.hr database. The data and information provided will be stored in the hamagbicro.hr database and will be considered confidential.

Employees of the above entities and other persons who, due to the nature of the business they perform with the above entities or for the above entities have access to confidential information, undertake not to disclose such information to third parties, use it against your interests or allow third parties to use it.

You agree and accept that the above data and information you have provided will be used exclusively by HAMAG-BICRO, for the purpose of market processing, production of statistical and analytical representations, for commercial actions, delivery of tenders and notifications, and that it will not be used for other purposes without your prior written consent.

You agree and accept that HAMAG-BICRO may publish and use for advertising purposes the results obtained from market processing, statistical, analytical or similar representations, which are expressed based on the data and information obtained from you. Published and used for promotional purposes, the results will be displayed in groups, without highlighting the data and information about you.

General terms of use of this website

The conditions of use of written materials, list of products and services, and materials from the hamagbicro.hr website are the rules that all website users are obliged to adhere to.

Therefore, we ask you to get acquainted with them in order to avoid possible misunderstandings and consequences related to them later. Every use of the hamagbicro.hr website is conditioned on compliance with the general conditions of access and use listed below. By accessing and browsing the website, it is understood that you accept the General Terms and Conditions, which are above all other agreements agreed with hamagbicro.hr. This website has been developed solely for the purpose of informing about HAMAG-BICRO services.

All information available on the website is therefore for informational purposes only. Any data or parts of any data available on this site may not be used for commercial purposes or distributed to third parties without the prior written permission of hamagbicro.hr. Information about certain products and services from this website is subject to certain restrictions regarding the entities to which such information may be made available.