Support to Technology Transfer Offices (TTO Program)
Research activities at public higher education institutions and in public research organizations generate knowledge and technologies that can lead to the creation of high-quality jobs, successful companies and the production of goods and services of better quality. The transfer of technology from higher education institutions and public research organizations to the economy and the wider community has an important role for the economy and society as a whole and should be encouraged in an adequate manner.
The term “technology transfer” implies a dynamic, multiphase and complex process that includes the transfer of skills, knowledge, technologies, methods, products and devices between institutions and subjects of the economy or between two institutions in order to ensure that scientific and technological development and its achievements are available to a wider to the circle of beneficiaries for further development and/or use in the form of a new product, process, application, material or service, in terms of commercial activities, but also of general social benefit.
Support for researchers at public higher education institutions and public research organizations related to technology transfer is usually provided by technology transfer offices (TTOs) that oversee and/or manage a whole series of complex steps in the process. This includes elements such as services and activities related to the protection of intellectual property, services related to market studies and technology assessments, negotiation, licensing, financial and business activities, and legal aspects of technology transfer. Basically, the role of TTO is to provide the necessary guidance and support to researchers and research institutions to ensure the successful transfer of academic knowledge and results into new products and services.
Program objective
The Program objective is to strengthen the role of technology transfer offices (TTO) at universities and public research institutes in Croatia as central places for encouraging and implementing technology transfer activities. Although the Program is primarily aimed at encouraging the commercialization of research results, it is expected that among its results will be the building of TTO's capacity, achieved through the so-called “learning by doing” model (“learning through practical work”). The specific goal of the Technology Transfer Office Support Program is to encourage the commercialization of the existing stock of TTO projects at universities and public scientific institutes in Croatia.
Activities to be financed from the Program
The program foresees the allocation of grants for the implementation of technology transfer projects to technology transfer offices at public universities and public research institutes in the Republic of Croatia.
The Program will finance activities specifically related to technology transfer, such as intellectual property protection, market analysis, business plan development, intellectual property strategy development, licensing costs, contracting, legal issues, spin-off/spin-out/start-up costs -up of companies, product certification, production of zero series of products, product design and brand building.
The basic costs of the “passive standby operation” of TTO, such as the costs of space rental, employee salaries and activities that explicitly fall under capacity building (e.g. trainings, seminars, etc.) cannot be financed from the Program.
Financial allocation and expected duration of projects
For the implementation of the Program, a total amount of HRK 11 million has been secured from the budget of the Second Technological Development Project (STP II), which is financed by a loan from the World Bank.
The program finances 100% of eligible project costs.
The amount of financing can be between HRK 77,000 and HRK 579,000 per project.
The duration of projects is limited to a maximum of 18 months.