Small Loan for Rural Development


Important notice to applicants for Investment Loans for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises through the Rural Development Program


Feature/product (financial instrument) Small Loan for Rural Development
Target group Micro, small and medium-sized economic operators, and according to the conditions prescribed by the measures of the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2014-2020, eligible for financing from this instrument
Amount From EUR 25,000.01 to EUR 100,000
Interest rate* 0.1% and 0.25%, depending on the development of the local government unit (LGU) investment
Grace period Up to 12 months if the repayment period is a minimum of 2 years
Repayment period Up to 10 years, including the grace period
Collaterals Promissory notes, other collaterals according to the risk assessment
Aid - De minimis, public aid
Intended use - fixed assets
- working capital up to max 30% of the loan amount

* Decision on the classification of local and regional self-government units according to the level of development