CEUP 2030

CEUP 2030 (Central Europe Upstreaming for Policy Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing & Industry 4.0 towards 2030) is a project funded by the INTERREG Central Europe 2014-2020 Transnational Cooperation Program, which aims to create policies in the field of Industry 4.0.
Project description
The CEUP 2030 project is aimed at creating polies in the area of Industry 4.0, i.e. advanced production in Central Europe (CE). The project concept is designed to meet the challenges and needs of currently available high-quality innovative know-how in CE. Namely, the current situation indicates a lack of cooperation and a defined structure for achieving added value at the level of policy-making and limitation of the competitive potential of related regions.
Although RIS3 (Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy) sets clear guidelines, non-transparency in access to knowledge and markets, insufficient cooperation and connectivity between innovation actors within and between regions/countries, and lack of policy coordination and cooperation, continues to create real challenges in the innovation ecosystem of Central Europe.
CEUP 2030 develops a comprehensive innovation system for policy making with the aim of forming the best programs (Trend and Innovation Networks, RIS3 Round Tables) and processes (Policy Learning Labs, Policy Intelligence Dashboard) for direct implementation and achieving long-term value (Policy Framework 2021-2027).
The existing results (e.g. Tech & Inno camps, CE brain base, EU-wide DIH network), from 3 CE projects and 3 Horizon 2020 projects, contribute to the upgrade, along with the development of structures, tools and the implementation of high-impact policies and strategies.
The project sets out a unique innovation system approach for regional and transnational policy making with high practical relevance. All 30 CE/EU regions involved will receive coherent and clear strategies with the possibility of rapid implementation and transnational value.
Project objective
Most of the projects implemented today in Central Europe and the European Union encourage the construction of an improved ecosystem for research, technology and innovation. This project will touch on and test the link that is missing for continuous, stable and sustainable policy support, and has not been fully implemented so far.
Specific needs that were detected during the implementation of other projects are:
(1) better understanding of new technologies and methodological approaches (Policy Learning Labs),
(2) practical and improved data mining and trend reconnaissance for policy intelligence dashboard and
(3) action-oriented setting for strategic long-term policy making with the aim of greater impact in terms of quality and quantity (Policy Framework 2030).
CEUP 2030 transcends partnership and involves a significant number of stakeholders *Triple Helix concept to highlight the importance of a transnational approach in defining research, technology and innovation policies with inclusive tools, participatory methods and integrated practical policy design of Central Europe/EU.
* Social innovation that indicates interdependence of the state, economy and science and the importance of knowledge exchange between all actors in the model because innovations are created through their cooperation.
The three specific objectives that are planned to be achieved through the implementation of the project are:
SC1: improve the skills, abilities and knowledge of those in charge of regional and (trans)national policy within the Triple Helix context,
SC2: anticipate trends and potential risks and accelerate the assessment of relevant policy data, by establishing quality working structures and processes,
SC3: build on harmonized, well-founded, long-term S3/RIS3 policies and strategies to maximize benefits and added value for the entire Central Europe community
Project partners
• Association Industry 4.0 Austria (PIA), AT
• Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V. for its Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (IWU), DE
• Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), DE
• Lombardy Intelligent Factory Association (AFIL), IT
• SIIT S.c.p.a. Intelligent Integrated Systems Technologies (SIIT), IT
• Pomurje Technology Park (PTP), SI
• Pannon Business Network Association (PBN), HU
• Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO), HR
Associated strategic partners
• Marshall Office of Malopolska Region, PL
• Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport, DE
• Chamber of Commerce and Industry Karlsruhe DE
• DIH Lombardy, IT
• FundingBox Accelerator, PL
• CFI – Intelligent Factory Cluster IT
• DIH Liguria, IT
• Republic of Slovenia - Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, SI
• Vas County Authority, HU
• Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts of the Republic of Croatia, HR
• Upper Austrian Research GmbH, AT
• AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AT
• European Factories of the Future Research Association, BE
• Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research AT
• Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, AT
Project value
• Overall value: EUR 1,099,940.42, of which EUR 87,990.50 is available to HAMAG-BICRO
• Amount funded from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): EUR 901,550.94
Project duration: 24 months (03/2020 – 02/2022)
Main project website: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/CEUP-2030.html