In November 2022, the European Commission approved the Competitiveness and Cohesion Program (CCP) 2021 - 2027, allowing Croatia to access EUR 5.2 billion for the CCP, including EUR 4 billion from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and EUR 1.2 billion from the Cohesion Fund. In December 2022, the Commission also approved the Integrated Territorial Program (ITP) 2021-2027, which enables Croatia to utilize EUR 1.6 billion from the ERDF and the Just Transition Fund.
Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovation and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO) has been designated as an Intermediate Body Level 2 within the management and control system for the CCP. Regarding the ITP, it serves as an Intermediate Body responsible for implementing operations, as outlined in the Regulation on Bodies in the System of Management and Control of the Implementation of Programs in the Field of Competitiveness and Cohesion for the Financial Period 2021 - 2027 (Official Gazette 96/2022, 35/2024), and the Regulation on Bodies in System of Management and Control of the Implementation of Programs in the area of Territorial Investments and Just Transition for the Financial Period 2021 - 2027 (Official Gazette 96/2022).
As an Intermediate Body Level 2 and/or Intermediate Body for implementing operations, HAMAG-BICRO collaborates with Intermediate Bodies Level 1, such as the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, in preparing procedures for awarding grants. It is also responsible for selecting projects within its jurisdiction as a body involved in the selection of operations and is fully accountable for monitoring the implementation of grant allocation contracts for specific objectives.