Croatian Agency for SMEs,
Innovations and Investments
Tax number (OIB): 25609559342

Ksaver 208, Zagreb

+385 1 488 10 43



Osijek-Baranja County
Branch Office Osijek

Gospodarska zona 10, 31000 Osijek
Ivica Sabo
E-mail: ivica.sabo [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 2336 201

Bjelovar-Bilogora County
Branch Office Bjelovar

Petra Preradovića 1, 43000 Bjelovar
Marina Kemenović
E-mail: marina.kemenovic [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 496 3596

Međimurje County
Branch Office Čakovec

Ulica bana Josipa Jelačića 22/b, 40000 Čakovec
Josipa Đunđuš
E-mail: josipa.dundus[at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 91 2336 988

Dubrovnik-Neretva County
Branch Office Dubrovnik

Vukovarska ulica 16, 20000 Dubrovnik
Rafaela Drašković
E-mail: rafaela.draskovic [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4536

Lika-Senj County
Branch Office Gospić

Pazariška ulica 36, 53000 Gospić
Ana Vrkljan
E-mail: ana.vrkljan [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4533

Karlovac County
Branch Office Karlovac

Ulica Jurja Haulika 14, 47 000 Karlovac
Antonia Bonetić
E-mail: antonia.bonetic [at] hamagbicro.hr
M: +385 99 819 0085

Koprivnica-Križevci County
Branch Office Koprivnica

Dravska 17, 48000 Koprivnica
Vladimir Matan
E-mail: Vladimir.Matan [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4534

Krapina-Zagorje i Zagreb County
Branch Office Krapina

Bobovje 52G, 49000 Krapina
Dalibor Hržica
E-mail: dalibor.hrzica [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 45 38

Istria County
Branch Office Pula

Mletačka 12, 52100 Pula
Marie Milling
E-mail: marie.milling [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4537

Požega-Slavonia County
Branch Office Požega

Industrijska 39, 34000 Požega
Maja Ljubić Čmelar
E-mail: maja.ljubiccmelar [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4543

Primorje–Gorski Kotar County
Branch Office Rijeka

Radmile Matejčić 10, 51000 Rijeka
Marina Šabić
E-mail: marina.sabic [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4531

Sisak-Moslavina County
Branch Office Sisak

Capraška ulica 12, 44000 Sisak
Kristina Grabovica
E-mail: kristina.grabovica [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4535

Brod-Posavina County
Branch Office Slavonski Brod

Matije Mesića 9, 35000 Slavonski Brod
Eva Mirosavljević
E-mail: eva.mirosavljevic [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4542

Split-Dalmatia County
Branch Office Split

Obala Ante Trumbića 4, 21000 Split
Ina Despotović
E-mail: ina.despotovic [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4539

Šibenik-Knin County
Branch Office Šibenik

Narodnog preporoda 4, 22000 Šibenik
Ružica Jelić
E-mail: ruzica.jelic [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 00 06

Varaždin County
Branch Office Varaždin

Petra Preradovića 17, 42 000 Varaždin
Eduard Dobrenić
E-mail: eduard.dobrenic [at hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4530

Zagreb County
Branch Office Velika Gorica

Trg kralja Tomislava 16, 10410 Velika Gorica
Damir Nehyba
E-mail: damir.nehyba [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4540

Vukovar-Srijem County
Branch Office Vinkovci

Ul. Dragutina Žanića Karle 16, 32100 Vinkovci
Biljana Tintor Jerković
E-mail: biljana.tintorjerkovic [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 4541

Virovitica-Podravina County
Branch Office Virovitica

Ulica Poduzetnička zona II 18, 33000 Virovitica
Ena Kratofil
E-mail: Ena.Kratofil [at] hamagbicro.hr
GSM: +385 99 819 00 05

Zadar County
Branch Office Zadar

Put Murvice 3A, 23000 Zadar
Ivica Čulina
E-mail: ivica.culina [at] hamagbicro.hr.
GSM: +385 99 819 0007

Board of Directors
Vjeran Vrbanec, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Ante-Janko Bobetko, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Želimir Kramarić, Member of the Board of Directors         

uprava [at] hamagbicro.hr

Phone: +385 1 488 10 01
Phone: +385 1 488 10 03

Fax: +385 1 488 10 09

Project Implementation Monitoring Sector - Entrepreneurship
Rade Dubreta, Director of Sector
E-mail: Rade.Dubreta [at] hamagbicro.hr

Project Implementation Monitoring Sector - Research, Development and Innovation (IRI)
Gordan Terzić, Director of Sector
E-mail: Gordan.Terzic [at] hamagbicro.hr

Sector for Evaluation and Contracting Projects
Tomislav Abramac, Director of Sector
E-mail: Tomislav.Abramac [at] hamagbicro.hr

Financial Instruments Sector
Iva Debanić, Director of Sector 
E-mail: Iva.Debanic [at] hamagbicro.hr

E-mail: jamstva [at] hamagbicro.hr
             jamstva.ruralni [at] hamagbicro.hr

E-mail: zajam [at] hamagbicro.hr
             zajmovi.ruralni [at] hamagbicro.hr

Entrepreneurship Support and Development, Coordination and International Cooperation Sector
Mate Kovač, Head of Sector
E-mail: Mate.Kovac [at] hamagbicro.hr

Innovation System Support Service
Ivana Crnić-Duplančić, Head of Service
E-mail: Ivana.Crnic-Duplancic [at] hamagbicro.hr

Legal Affairs Service
Alen Zrinjski Beđan, Head of Service
E-mail: Alen.ZrinjskiBedjan [at] hamagbicro.hr

Construction and Technical Analyses and Verifications Service
Marijan Kasaić, Head of Service
E-mail: Marijan.Kasaic [at] hamagbicro.hr

Finance and Accounting Service
Milka Marina Kovačević, Head of Service
E-mail: MilkaMarina.Kovacevic [at] hamagbicro.hr

jamstva [at] hamagbicro.hr

zajam [at] hamagbicro.hr

invest [at] hamagbicro.hr

inovacije [at] hamagbicro.hr

potpore [at] hamagbicro.hr

savjetovanje [at] hamagbicro.hr

Public Relations
press [at] hamagbicro.hr

zajam [at] hamagbicro.hr

jamstva [at] hamagbicro.hr


blight [at] hamagbicro.hr

eureka [at] hamagbicro.hr

eurostars [at] hamagbicro.hr

inovacije [at] hamagbicro.hr

PPI Network:
bond [at] hamagbicro.hr

een [at] hamagbicro.hr

info [at] biocentre.hr

HORIZON 2020: small and medium-sized enterprises
obzor [at] hamagbicro.hr

HORIZON 2020: access to finance
matko.boskovic [at] hamagbicro.hr

mspi [at] hamagbicro.hr

Smart Factory Hub:
smartfactoryhub [at] hamagbicro.hr

ppi2innovate [at] hamagbicro.hr

kissme [at] hamagbicro.hr

Data Protection Offices
Sandra Pavković
Ksaver 208, 10 000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 647 3240
zastita.podataka [at] hamagbicro.hr

Access to Information

Right to access information and re-use information is exercised in accordance with the Right to Access Information Act (Official Gazette, no. 25/2013, 85/2015). The aim of the Act is to enable and ensure the exercise of the right to access information guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, as well as to the re-use of information by natural and legal persons through openness and publicity of public authorities.

Right to access information is based on the principles of publicity and free access, timeliness, completeness and accuracy of information, the principles of equality, the principle of disposition of information and, in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 5 of the Act “includes the rights of the user to request and receive information, as well as the obligation of public authorities to provide access to the requested information, i.e. to publish information regardless of the request when such disclosure arises from an obligation determined by law or other regulation”.

Information, within the meaning of the Act (Article 5, paragraph 3) is “any information held by public authorities in the form of a document, record, file, register, regardless of how it is presented (written, drawn, printed, recorded, magnetic, optical, electronic or any other record), made by the authority alone or in cooperation with other authorities or obtained from another person, and created within the scope or in connection with the organization and work of public authorities”.

Re-use of information, in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 6 of the Act “means the use of information of public authorities by natural or legal persons for commercial or non- commercial purposes other than the original purpose for which the information was generated, within the framework of statutory or other regulation of a given scope or work that is normally considered a public affair. The exchange of information between public authorities for the purpose of performing tasks within their scope does not constitute re-use”.

The principle of mutual respect and cooperation, in accordance with Article 9.a of the Act, implies that “relations between public authorities and users are based on cooperation and provision of assistance and mutual respect of human dignity”.

The Minister of Administration issued the Ordinance on types and content of licenses establishing terms for the re-use of information (OG 67/17)

This by-law regulates the types and contents of permits that determine the conditions for the re-use of information by public authorities. The Ordinance and the open license shall be published in Croatian and English on the Open Data Portal, the website of the central state administration body responsible for general administration and the independent body responsible for protection, monitoring and promotion of information reuse within 30 days of this Ordinance’s entry into force.

The right to access information and re-use information is exercised by submitting a request to HAMAG-BICRO, to the Information Officer of the Agency:

• in writing to the address:

Ksaver 208
10 000 Zagreb

• by e-mail: pristup.informacijama [at] hamagbicro.hr

• by fax: 01/488 10 09

• by phone: 01/488 10 36

Information Officer of HAMAG-BICRO: Josip Butković

HAMAG-BICRO is entitled to reimburse actual material costs incurred by providing information to the user of the right to access information and reuse information, as well as to reimburse the costs of delivery of the requested information. The amount of fee for access to information and reuse of information is determined in accordance with the criteria referred to in Article 19, paragraph 3 of the Right to Access to Information Act.