Croatian interactive toy
in American school desks
“A successful entrepreneur is one who manages to find a profitable business model that will bring value to its customers. In order to succeed, stubborn persistence, rising after a fall and learning from mistakes are necessary.” READ MORE
Internet transactions are becoming easier with the Croatian BlinkCard "We no longer perceive ourselves as a typical startup, but we certainly have and want to keep the startup mentality, which means great enthusiasm, courage and trying out new ideas." READ MORE Croatia on the map of the future’s automotive industry "The greatest recognition for success comes through results, but in addition, every entrepreneur is glad to see that the company has been named the best employer for several consecutive years." READ MORE The best drone control glasses in the world are produced in Osijek "Today, our team has almost 20 full-time and associate team members and we are the world's leading company in the development of vision technologies for unmanned platforms." READ MORE The new Bellabeat fashion accessory successfully manages stress "We are guided by innovation and focus on what we do best, which is product development and its placing on the market. At the beginning, we placed our products through our web shop primarily to the American market where fashion wellness is highly developed." READ MORE

Where are we?

Croatia is a Mediterranean country in the heart of Europe. It is the 27th EU member state with an impressive history and a promising future. Discover our natural beauties, gastronomy and rich cultural heritage. Explore new business opportunities! Enjoy the great lifestyle!


HAMAG-BICRO is the Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovation and Investments established by the Government of the Republic of Croatia with the purpose of enhancing SME development and promoting investment and innovation. The Agency is an independent institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy.